Saturday, July 28, 2007

What Tammy Faye Taught Me

It has been just a little over a week since Tammy Faye Messner died of cancer. It was remarkable watching her final appearance on "Larry King Live" just hours before her death. She had some spunk, ya know? Tammy Faye also had a lot of grace...and an amazing faith.

Now let me be honest and say that back in the day, regrettably, I was part of a large group in America that ridiculed her. I even had that tee shirt with all of the splattered colors on the front that read "I ran into Tammy Faye at the mall." I imagine those shirts are fetching quite a price now on ebay. (Did I just use the word "fetching"?)

Mom took us to PTL/Heritage USA several times, and we even got to see a taping of "The Jim and Tammy Show". You know Heritage USA was really a remarkable dream and concept. It was a fun, very clean, Christian place to vacation or just come hang out for a day. It was always so beautiful at Christmas.

Granted, the Bakkers made some really bad mistakes. However, I do believe the vision was inspired. They just really got sidelined by the desires of the flesh. We've all done that on some level. They answer to God, not to me.

Here's the thing about Tammy Faye. I think she remained relevant and a true witness of God's redemptive love and ultimate restoration. (see Romans 3:22-24). Aren't we all thankful that this restoration is available to us? I would hate to live my life having people hold me in bondage for my former mistakes and sins.

Tammy Faye loved people...all people. She didn't take herself too seriously. She just kept loving the Lord and sharing His love.

When people remember her, sure; they will always remember the PTL scandal. I get that. They'll remember the make-up and false eyelashes. I get that. That is not her legacy, though.

There were two things she always said on their tv show:

1) "You Can Make It!" Well...Tammy made it.

2) She would close the show with "Remember...God loves you, and I do, too!" Well...Tammy Faye...God loves you, and I do, too. Thanks for the lesson.

Ephesians 1:7

1 comment:

Drywallguy said...

I was one of those who made fun of Tammy. I had totally lost track of her until I heard she had passed away. It's so easy to make judgements about other people. But we really don't know where they stand with God. Only HE knows. And if we really look in the mirror, I mean really look, what would we see? Would we like what we see? Most of the time, probably not. But it's so hard to remember that when we see someone else being or acting in a way we do not approve of. We forget how we can act and be sometimes. Thanks for the thought provoking ideas.