Friday, July 17, 2009


An Open Letter to

Be careful when you speak out against other ministries.  When you choose to interject your opinion in something that God is in...oh boy.  

Quote all of the Scripture that you want.  Reference all of the on-line "truth" articles and blogs that you choose to.


Do not think that you hold the exclusive license on discernment and biblical comprehension.

Yes, respect me. More importantly, respect what God is doing and whom He chooses to use to build His Kingdom.  I don't get a vote.  You don't get a vote.  

That's it.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Foolish Or Wise?

Overwhelmed, yet relaxed.

I'm operating in a different flow these days, and although it's new to me and kind of peculiar, I love it!  I think.  Yep, definitely love it.  Well....

There is so much swirling around in my noggin and in my heart, and I am excited about it all.  Also, I'm a bit nauseous about it all.  I know there are some exciting days coming up, and I know that the thought of those days will most likely make me want to crawl underneath the bed.

Are you starting to see the conflict?

When you know that you know that you know...there is that awesome peace that only God provides.  Vision is red-hot, and I am ready to go with what God has next.  It is absolutely terrifying and I hope to some degree that it always will be!  God is my portion, and I rely on Him.  

I have been electrified by 1 Corinthians 1:26-29 (Amplified):

"For [simply] consider your own call, brethren; not many [of you were considered to be] wise according to human estimates and standards, not many influential and powerful, not many of high and noble birth.

[No] for God selected (deliberately chose) what in the world is foolish to put the wise to shame, and what the world calls weak to put the strong to shame.

And God also selected (deliberately chose) what in the world is low-born and insignificant and branded and treated with contempt, even the things that are nothing, that He might depose and bring to nothing the things that are, 

So that no mortal man should [have pretense for glorifying and] boast in the presence of God."

I take the calling very seriously...always.  I don't always have to take myself so seriously, and these verses just kind of make me laugh.  God knew what He was getting when He called me.  If He's cool with it, we go!

So, look for some news soon (although it has been a poorly kept secret)!  Off we go without any hesitation...and without a lot of know-how.  But...this is God's thing.  I rest in that covering.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


One of the things that I really like about Facebook is the ability to connect with friends in real-time, especially when it comes to important news.  I can celebrate births and I can pray with friends who are experiencing loss.  It just brings things a little closer.  I don't love technology for technology's sake.  I like technology for what it can do for us...especially in the Kingdom.

Today (just now) on Facebook, I read about a friend who has been diagnosed with a large tumor around her brain.  Awful news, to be sure, and I immediately prayed for her and for her family.  I was going to post a note of encouragement until I read what others had already posted.

Now, this friend loves Jesus Christ.  Hallelujah for that.  Every comment that was posted by others was "Christian" in nature, too, but I believe they may have done a disservice. (at least in my eyes).

I should explain.  I believe that God can heal her.  I believe that 100%.  I also know, from the experience of losing my wife, that Isaiah 55:8&9 are true, as well.  "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, says the Lord.  For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts."

There may be some other Kingdom-purpose in this diagnosis.  Only God knows.  His plan may not be to heal her in the way we would want her to be healed.  Below are some excerpts from these comments, and I know that these friends are well-intentioned.  

There were a lot of well-intentioned people saying a lot of similar things to me when Beth was dying.  I clung to the belief and the hope that God would heal her.  I needed encouragement, but I needed reality to.  I needed Isaiah 55.

Anyway, here are the comments:

"In God's name that tumor is gone.  You are a strong, godly woman and He WILL take care of you."

"Praying for healing and YES, God can and I believe WILL heal you 100% completely again."

"I believe it is satan trying to weasel his way into your life.  The Bible says that the thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but Jesus came to give life.  This tumor is an attempt by the thief to rob you of your life, rob your husband of a wife, your kids of a mother...and this would accomplish those three things (steal, kill, destroy) that the Bible says that satan is here to do.  Jesus came to give life.  He died on the cross for this centuries ago, so trust in Him to heal you of this.  Put your faith in Him and He WILL get you through it.  God brings life and health, but satan tries to rob us and steal it from us."

OK.  We don't know what God's plan is through all of this.  We know that He will be Strength.  He will be Comfort.  He will be Healer.

He just may heal in a way that we would never choose for Him to.  I know.  I've been there.   I still have my questions.  I am not saying that we need to be gloom and doom around folks who are meeting some huge struggles.  Let's just guard our words.  Good intentions are...well, good.  However, sometimes it is great just to say "I am praying for you.  May God be glorified."

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


What a day.

Whew, and again I say...WHEW!

Up early this morning and excited to break the 3-day fast that I have been on with my "latex salesman" Jake.  I have fasted before, but mostly Daniel's fasts.  This one was water ONLY.  Hubba.  We made it, though.  So we met for breakfast and talked about our experiences.  Awesome and scary.  God is truly stretching both of us in our lives and in our ministry.  I keep reflecting on what we heard at the Catalyst One Day conference: "You must become comfortable with being uncomfortable."

Whew!  I am so thankful for Jake.

I had a great lunch with Ruby at Ruby Tuesday's.  We should have gone yesterday so I could say that I had lunch with Ruby on Tuesday at Ruby Tuesday's.  It is always good to connect with Ruby, and I vowed to get together with her more often.  We understand each other, both of us having lost a spouse.  Beth and I were only married a short time and Ruby was married for over 50 years, but we have been through it.

Whew!  I am so thankful for Ruby.

I am excited tonight about worshipping at C3 for the "First Wednesday" service.  Each time I have been able to go to one of these services, the Holy Spirit just blows me away.  I love Pastor Matt and Martha, Cory and Krystal,  and all of my friends out there.  So excited for the Kingdom as C3 launched their Raleigh campus this past week-end and had over 500 people attend!  6 prayed to receive Christ!  That never gets old.  Looking forward to heading out there tonight with my friend, David.

Whew!  I am so thankful for C3 and for my friend, David.

A lot going on today with work sandwiched in between.  It feels good.


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Facebook Is A Fickle Mistress

I heard her siren song.  I followed.  I abandoned my "heart".  I have come home.

I do love Facebook, but I abandoned my blog to "poke", "update", and "send flair".    I miss putting my thoughts, challenges, and struggles out there.  I still journal, but there is something different about public posting (even if nobody is reading it - I'm sure the ones who were reading have stopped checking back here)

There is so much I want to share about what is going on in my life... what God is doing... what I am reading... what I am thinking... where I am going... conferences that I am attending... relationships that sustain me... relationships that drain me.  

So much.

I have been dreaming HUGE Kingdom dreams and I am ready to go!