Sunday, September 30, 2007

Ready To Rumble

Growing all the time...or in all honesty...trying to grow. As God works in each of us, we are transformed from glory to glory. It doesn't come in big leaps, and I know it is a miracle for me that growth even comes in small baby steps in my life.

I have been struggling lately with my love walk. I have no problem loving the people that love me. I have no problem loving the people who, by my standards, act right and play by the rules. I stumble (more like fall flat on my face) when the Holy Spirit gives me that "nudge" and tells me that I also must love the "unlovely".

I have been really tempted lately to let the former Russ emerge and set some things straight. There are a few folks from my parents' former church that I think are much deserving of a good-old "right hand of Christian fellowship"! It pains me to see what has happened there and how the enemy has set up shop. In that church, God has been replaced with a thirst for power, manipulation, and strife. Check out Psalm 140 and you'll get an idea.

I am still on the mailing list to receive their newsletter; and every time I see it in my mailbox, I cringe. My first inclination is to send the newsletter back to them with a fiery diatribe reflecting just what I think of what they have done to my mom. Then that pesky growth thing shows up again.

God reminds me that the battle belongs to Him. He tells me that He can actually handle it on His own. My job is to pray for them; not hate them. Imagine.

He says that He is the Vindicator. He is sovreign. My job is to not only pray for them, not only to not hate them...but to LOVE them! What? I have always been willing to fight, fight, fight for what I believe in. I would always fight against injustice. I would fight to prove a point. God tells me to fight with love.

1 Corinthians 5:1&2 says "Therefore be imitators of God [copy Him and follow His example], as well-beloved children [imitate their father]. AND WALK IN LOVE as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us, a slain offering and sacrifice to God."

Conviction with a capital "C".

It's not easy to sit and watch...waiting. I used to think that was being passive. Now, if I am watching and waiting in prayer and in love...well, I think that is the most aggresive warfare available.

1 comment:

Rach said...

Right usual :o)