Wednesday, February 27, 2008


I am getting on my soapbox again, so watch out! I was at Barnes & Noble today purchasing a few more copies of Tift Merritt's new cd, "Another Country". OK. Let's detour for a moment or two and discuss Tift's latest album. BUY IT! You'll love it.

Tift is my all-time favorite artist, and that is saying a lot since music is one of my passions. This cd, which was released Tuesday, is her best to date.I have listened to it at least 25-30 times since buying it. I have also purchased some for friends whom I know love Tift or the ones I think might like to be exposed to her creative genius!

OK. That's my commercial. Now, back to my soapbox. As I was looking for the cd's, I overheard 2 people discussing how they would "share" their music. One would buy cd "A" and make a copy for the other. Friend #2 would buy cd "B" and make a copy of that for the other. AUGGHHH! I just cannot stand it! That, my friends, is stealing...flat out stealing...unauthorized duplication...stealing.

I am well aware that there are legal ways to download music. Great! Enjoy! However, there is way too much downloading and "burning" being done illegally. This hurts the artist (don't you hurt Tift!), the record label, etc. I have heard the lame argument that "the record labels/artists are making so much money anyway..." or "I am just duplicating a cd SOMEONE ELSE paid for." How about, "Music is so expensive anyway".

Phooey! Hey! Milk is expensive, too. Do you sneak onto a dairy farm and slurp milk directly from a cow's udders? No! I imagine if you want milk, you buy it from a store. Then, everyone who had a hand in getting that milk to you, gets paid for it.

Gas is expensive. You don't wait for a Hess tanker to stop at a rest area, and then siphon gas into your car while the truck driver is in the restroom or buying a Snickers out of the vending machine.

I work for a clothing designer, and our clothes are not what you would call inexpensive. That doesn't mean it's OK to just go take some without paying. It wouldn't be long before I would be out of a job if nobody paid.

I'm just is one of the greatest gifts God has given us. It is just as wrong to steal music as it is to steal clothes, money...anything! Know the laws and please just be mindful not to take what is rightfully someone else's. Rock on, Tift!

By the by, yesterday was officially "TiftTuesday". Thanks for the card, Mary Ann! I'm still waiting on the Tiftini.

1 comment:

The Buntens said...

Oh, very good reminder that this is stealing. I think too often people really don't regard it as such.

YOU ROCK by the way in buying me Tift's CD! I am sooooo excited to listen to her! If you say it's good - I believe it!