Wednesday, May 7, 2008

How's Your Vision?

If you can overdose on sermons and biblical teachings...I may have done it. God has exposed me to some amazing, annointed preachers and teachers as of late; and it has blown me away. Live preaching, cd's, podcasts, printed texts, name it.

The great thing about God-annointed preaching is how if 1000 people listen to the same message, God may very well speak to those 1000 people in 1000 different ways.

I heard a pastor say recently, "If your vision does not scare you and keep you up at night, then your vision AND your God are too small."

Dang! That really spoke to me and continues to speak to me about things God is working in and through my life. God will really show us more and more as we continue to seek after Him more and more. (Matthew 6:33) But I have to do my part...I have to seek Him.

1 comment:

The Buntens said...

hmmm. that is food for thought.

I have felt of late that my vision is off. Funny thing is - that is what keeps me up at night.