Thursday, May 1, 2008

A Defining Moment

HUGE! Yesterday was a big day in my life. I am a political junkie and I had the privilege of seeing one of my political heroes yesterday. In person. I am a Democrat through and through, and I know a lot of folks don't agree with me on that. OK. As I have mentioned before on this blog, my reasons for being a Democrat are just as biblically based as my Republican friends say theirs are for being a Republican. Enough said. That is not what this is about.

President Bill Clinton spoke at the Apex Community Center early yesterday morning for one of 6 campaign stops of the day for his wife, Hillary. I debated whether or not to go, but I did roll out of bed very early....very get there. I was able to get up close and shake his hand. WOW! That may not be your thing, and I would have to admit that I would probably not have been as thrilled to shake the hand of President George W. Bush.

Nonetheless, I shook the hand of a president. Are you kidding me? (Plus, I have the opportunity to possibly meet President Carter tomorrow! It does not get any better for me!) How could I not go see President Clinton when he was just a few miles from my house?

Here's the point. I almost missed out on the whole thing. Did I really want to have to get out of my comfortable bed that early? Did I want to stand outside in the cold morning air?

I think that is something that can easily happen in our walk(s) with Christ. How many wonderful experiences does He have just around the corner for us, but we talk ourselves out of it? Is Christ saying, "Hey. Just take that step. You'll see." Something to think about for sure.

I'm glad I rolled my lazy butt out of bed yesterday to meet a president. I'll never forget it. Never. Way beyond that...I don't want to miss out on what my Lord has just around the corner for me...if...


The Buntens said...

I don't want to miss out!!

BTW, Thanks for your comment regarding my hair. Yeah, I was good friends with Aqua Net.

The Buntens said...

You have me in the checking daily...almost!!!! I am truly honored. Thanks Russ!

Christina said...

Wow... thanks for that reminder. Your writing always inspires me. You don't know me.. but God uses you anyway :O) I don't want to miss those "around the corner" days with God.