Wednesday, March 26, 2008

"Feed Me, Seymour, Feed Me!"

"Feed Me, Seymour. Feed Me. Feed Me All Night Long.
That's right, boy!
Go to it.
Feed Me Seymour. Feed Me. Feed Me All Night Long.
Cause if you feed me, Seymour,
I can grow up big and strong."

Remember that song from "Little Shop of Horrors"? Audrey II...a giant man-eating plant who DEMANDS to be FED.

I think as Christians, it is pretty easy for us to fall into an Audrey II kind of Christianity. "Lord, Feed Me!"

Now, obviously, it is crucial that we are fed. God feeds us when we are spending time in His Word, in prayer, in worship, in communion with others, coming under some great teaching, etc.

God tells me sometimes that I'm fat enough. It's that consumer mentality. We want God to fill us with more and more, but is it more of Him or more of "stuff"? (knowledge, blessings)

Again, yes; I understand that knowledge is a great and wonderful thing. Yes, God wants to bless us. God also wants us to DO SOMETHING with what He has already poured into us. Are we channels or reservoirs?

Am I showing a real love to those that are far from Jesus Christ or am I more interested in just highlighting verses on love in my Bible?

Am I telling everyone about the amazing work God has done and is doing in my life or am I just enjoying singing "Go Tell It On The Mountain"?

Am I serving God and others with every passion within me or am I talking about what I WILL do one day when the circumstances are right?

I say, "Feed Me." God says, "Love Me."

I say, "Feed Me." God says, "Serve Me."

I say, "Feed Me, God. Feed Me!"

God says, "Be doers of the Word, and not merely hearers."

1 comment:

Rach said...

Preach! Darn I've missed your blog.